Performance evaluation

Performance appraisals based on results and goals

HCM7 will do what enables you to make your goals measurable. You can add indicators and rules to track target and actual results. Organizations should be able to conduct assessments exactly the way they want them to. You can customize the assessment process with timelines and processes that work for you. While self-evaluations give employees a better understanding of their work, feedback from multiple raters serves to gather feedback from the people they actually work with. This helps reduce unintended bias for managers and make evaluations more targeted and fair.

Features of employee performance management through HCM7

Providing communication systems between the worker, his subordinates, and the Human Development Department as a whole.
Assist the institution in developing a flow chart for job performance in the coming periods.
Make a small comparison from time to time between the performance of each employee and each worker in the past, and compare it with the current period in terms of improvement or delay.

Performance evaluation is based on a number of different factors

HCM7 allows you to specify an infinite number of different factors applicable to the employees whose performance is required to be evaluated, such as the dates of attendance or the nature of his dealings with the rest of the employees and the extent of commitment to the company's system and rules, with the possibility of adding more different factors.

You can now order the trial version

You can now experience an automated and integrated cloud system for human resource management, compatible with your company's work system.

HCM7 is the best system that offers you the opportunity to obtain a set of integrated and interconnected solutions for everything related to human resources in your company.

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